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A serendipitous quartet: The discoverers of insulin

  • Jul 19, 2021
  • History
An old adage states the key to success is being in the right place at the right time. Well the story of the discovery of insulin is a prime example of the rare, yet undeniable truth behind that phrase. Four great minds came together in the right place, the University of Toronto, at the right time, 1921, and achieved the most revolutionary medical breakthrough of the 20th century.

Banting House National Historic Site

An old adage states the key to success is being in the right place at the right time. Well the story of the discovery of insulin is a prime example of the rare, yet undeniable truth behind that phrase. Four great minds came together in the right place, the University of Toronto, at the right time, 1921, and achieved the most revolutionary medical breakthrough of the 20th century.
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